Jayash Prem

  • Phone Number: 8709440184


  • Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology

    Bhubaneshwar, Odisha

    Bachelor of Technology

    Aug 2021 - Present

  • International School CBSE

    Patna, Bihar

    Class XII (CBSE)

    April 2019 - April 2021

  • International School ICSE

    Patna, Bihar

    Class X (ICSE)

    April 2019


Application of Monte Carlo Simulation for Risk Assessment in Trading (Link)

Developed an application leveraging Monte Carlo Simulation to assess risk in trading scenarios

Statistical Technique: Normal distribution, Monte Carlo Simulator, Random Sampling, Cumulative Product

Python Libraries: Pandas, Numpy, Matplotlib

Web Deployment: streamlit

Facial Emotion Recognition System

Created a facial emotion recognition system using machine learning and Python.

Libraries Used: OpenCV, Matplotlib

Stock Market Analysis

Conducted thorough stock market analysis for 5 Indian banks and calculated ROI for each one. Deployed Random

Forest Regression to predict future prices (accuracy - 0.9997).

Model Used: Random Forest Regressor

WeatherSky Explorer

Developed a responsive and visually appealing Weather App using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

Implemented user-friendly features including a search input for city names and a button for quick weather information retrieval.

Integrated OpenWeatherMap API to fetch real-time weather data, enhancing the application's accuracy and reliability.

Deployed Weather App on Microsoft Azure for global accessibility, showcasing proficiency in cloud computing and real-time data delivery


Associate Member - AISOC Technical Society 2023 - Present

Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology

I actively participated in AISOC, a technical society in college, where I contributed to event management, organized hackathons,and facilitated team-building exercises. These experiences fostered coordination skills, teamwork, and knowledge acquisition through collaborative processes




I have cultivated proficiency in various domains, including:

  • Programming: Python, C, C++,Java
  • Object Oriented programming: Java, C++
  • Data Structure and Algorithms
  • Shell Scripting
  • Cloud Computing
  • Web Development : HTML , CSS, JavaScript, ExpressJS, NodeJS, MongoDB, ReactJs
  • Data Manipulation: Octave, Matlab, R ,pandas , numpy
  • Machine Learning
  • Cybersecurity Fundamentals
  • Blockchain and Cryptography
  • Database Management: SQL
  • Version Control: Git,Github